How many of you remember your very first vehicle?
If you were anything like me, it probably wasn't much to look at or write home about. But for
some reason it just didn't matter because it wasn't about how it ran or what it looked like, but
what it represented for you.
Mine was a '79 GMC step-side pickup truck purchased from my Uncle for $750.
It needed a lot of body work but it ran. I spent countless hours grinding out the rust and
applying bondo. I sprayed it with grey primer and named it 'The Primed Python'.
Drove it for thousands of clicks with my belly boat in the back, bouncing up and down the
gravel roads. It got me where I needed to go. It held a lot of secrets and was a place where I
would blare music, ponder life and be perfectly at peace with myself.
Even tho it probably looked silly, it was my pride and joy and I didn't give a shit what anyone
thought of it.
To me it represented hard work, pride, independence and freedom. It was my gateway to
It leads me to wonder: Why then, do many of us not have the same sense of pride and love
towards ourselves? When did that disappear?
You see, it wasn't about what the truck looked like or how crappy it ran, it was about what it
represented. That trancends everything!
When you believe in yourself, have pride in who you are, live a life of authenticity and
integrity…. The outside noise doesn't matter anymore.
The experiences I had with that first truck, the good and the bad, shaped me as a person
and that is what made me so grateful and proud of it.
My life experiences are no different and I'm proud and grateful for those too. I love who I am
today, and can't wait to see who I will become!
What was your first vehicle and what did it represent for you? Drop a line in the comments
below 👇
Steve Braun
Call or Text: 778.932.1978
Email: steve@stevebraun.org
Connect on Social: Facebook LinkedIn SteveBraun.Org
About the Author: Steve currently resides in the sunny Okanagan in British Columbia Canada where he spends his free time camping at remote lakes chasing monster rainbow trout with a flyrod.
